Hungary Budapest Mission

Hungary Budapest Mission

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015
Dear Famiry,
Yea it was seriously a miracle I got my passport back, pretty sure it was stolen, but the lady who I talked with was super nice and kind. Apparently she just found it sitting on a park bench and called the police; super lucked out, except I don’t believe in luck.
This week was pretty crazy and awesome, I got a bit sick and was kinda stressed out for a while about my passport, but now I’m feeling a ton better. We met with a ton of people, really nothing too different, but our Saturday was super crazy!!! So much happened.
In Hungary, two times a year they have this crazy cleaning session where for an entire week they just throw all their old trash and junk onto the sidewalk (next to a street) and then it just MAGICALLY disappears. A member asked us to help her mom throw out a ton of junk that was left over from her ex-boyfriend who was like a hoarder; so we go and there’s a giant pile of junk. And as we start throwing stuff into a pile on the street, some gypsy guy comes up all excited and calls his buddies and as we go back there’s 5 of them digging through the trash, and helping us unload junk onto the pile; they were even telling us where to set stuff down, so flipping funny.
Then while digging through trash this kid who is helping us opens this suitcase on a chair and finds a mouse . . . so we all gather around to look at it; I start digging through all the junk to find the mouse and I see its tail underneath something, so I slowly lift it up and there’s just this super cute mouse chilling there . . . then it runs straight towards me and just suicide jumps at my face . . . scariest thing of my life. . . I literally just screamed like a little girl for like 10 sec. straight, while it hit my belly, then fell down and ran off. LOLS! Then later we punched through some old windows we were throwing out, pretty fun stuff.
So we did that most of the day which was a nice change up. Other than that, normal missionary stuff trying to help people come closer to God even though some of our investigators are atheist and are very adamant on not praying. Yea, story for later.
Hope you’re all doing super good!
Elder Waldvogel

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