Hungary Budapest Mission

Hungary Budapest Mission

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

June 2, 2015
Dear Family,
This last week has been crazy, filled with goodbyes, miracles and funny stories. The coolest one actually happened with my companion. We were rushing to a program and jump on this super crowded bus, so I’m kinda far away from my comp on the bus and can’t get over to him, so we were just waiting and then apparently this guy got on the bus right where my comp was... now my companion already ran into this guy a couple times before I came, and this man literally spat on him and cursed at him the first time, then the next time even raised a fist to strike him;  my companion raised his fist in defense and he kinda ran off… and now that same man got onto the bus and walked straight up to my companion, and asked "do you remember me from the last time we met on the bus?" Adrenaline is just pumping through my companions blood as he answers "yes" . . . . . then the man just simply says "I’m sorry" . . . . . . My companion was so shocked; especially since earlier that week he was like "if I see that guy again I swear Ima mess him up and stuff like that" he was just shocked and it was such a great story to be there for.

Other than that I’ll see all you guys in a couple days and tell you more stories... Pretty crazy.
Yea, this is super weird writing my last email. I don’t really know what to say other than I know that I was supposed to come to Hungary; and I love it here and the people soo much. Serving a mission was for sure the best decision that I have ever made in my entire life. Now it’s coming to an end, which is super sad and kinda hard, but I know that life goes on. And as long as I put my faith in God, strive to be better day by day and do my best to help others around me, listening to the promptings of the spirit that I can still be a missionary wherever I go.
Over the past two years I have learned and experienced so many things and I’m so grateful for all my blessings and all of the trials that I’ve had on my mission; and for everything that I learned from my trials and hardships. The gospel has helped me so much… To understand life so much better and help me want to become a better person and actually be able to achieve that. And most of all my mission has given me the opportunity to help others in the best way possible; which is to share the beautiful message of the gospel and to be able to help others change their lives for the better; to help support them in their trials and help them build their relationship with God. And it’s just the most amazing thing ever; there’s nothing like it. If anyone reads this who has their doubts about going on a mission, I will tell you right now that it will be the best thing in your entire life, no matter what.
Words can’t even describe how much I’m going to miss the Hungarians and all the friends that I have made here; I love them with all my heart and know that I will meet them again someday. minden magyarnak azt akartam mondani, hogy szeretem magyarországot és mindig lesz irva a szivemben, annyira hiányozni fog az egész ország meg minden magyar. és pontosan nem tudom amikor visszajövök de vissza fogok térni mindenképpen hiszen most ugy érzem hogy ez az otthonom. köszönöm mindent. és Isten áld meg a magyart!

It’s weird, but a part of me is still denying that I’m really leaving.
Hope yall do well, god be with you till we meet again
sok szeretettel
Waldvogel Elder
VEMS örökre

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