Hungary Budapest Mission

Hungary Budapest Mission

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 25, 2015

Dear Family,

That’s super cool to hear about everyone getting their mission calls! So exciting!! Anyway, this week was pretty good, difficult because it was just pouring all Thursday, Friday and part of Saturday which made finding a bit more difficult and less effective because literally when the weather is bad, so is everyone’s mood.

But we had some super good programs with E. which was awesome because we weren’t able to meet with her for a long time. We talked about a ton of stuff, but when I asked her if she read out of the Book of Mormon, she was like "well... no... but I realized something!" So I asked her what and she went on talking about how ever since she stopped reading out of the Book of Mormon that her life has kinda gone downhill and overall she just isn’t as happy. It was sad that she had to experience more sadness, but it was good to see that she realized the power that is in the Book of Mormon; we talked a lot about it and also about fasting and repentance. Then later in our next program, we talked about the law of chastity, the Word of wisdom and really just all the commandments and about baptism. She was like, "okay... so what are all the commandments that I need to keep" so we went through them fast and picked out the ones that are most difficult for her so we could work on them first. The spirit was just so strong during the program, which was by far the best part.

Also N. is doing super good; she actually came to church for the first time which was super good and for the most part she liked it... except for the last hour... but the second hour was super good because she had a ton of questions and really got into it.

Other than that, not too much else to report; we did see this dog stuck in the Duna (the Danube river) and then his owner jumped in and saved him which was pretty cool and totally random...

Other than that, everything’s going pretty normal; except next week will be my last email sooooo yea.. .kinda weird.

Anyway, hope you are all having an awesome week!!

Sok Szeretettel
Waldvogel Elder

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