October 14, 2014
Dear Family,
So, P days seem to be an ever changing thing as a Secretary, soooooo, I can’t make any promises, but hopefully the week after next week will be normal Mondays again. And it is soooooooo much better with the Bagozzis back; I am sooo flippin grateful for the finance couple.
Anyways yesterday was my first real Hivatal Day!!! wooot! It’s like my most important job where I go with all the new missionaries and wait in line for ever and then have them sign some stuff and then they should be able to live in Hungary legally for 2 years. It’s quite magical really. But it all went well and we somehow survived; Ill be going next week also, so that’ll be good.
We have some pretty crazy stuff going on lately, especially with the work here; it’s going super good! Especially with probably one of the most legit investigators ever!! His name is G. and he is golden. He actually called the secretaries wanting to meet and already did a ton of research and believed in most of it already! sooo cool! Last week we meet with him like 4 times and he also came to General conference (Which was also flippin Legit btw) and we gave him a Bap date for Nov. 1st. I really hope he gets baptized; he is so prepared and every program with him is awesome. He’s got an awesome sense of humor. He is going through a super hard time right now though and he is looking for a job; so far he has only found one opportunity and that’s to be a truck driver in Germany... pretty cool!
Literally so much has happened this week and there’s no way to even get close to fitting it in. But our other inv. E, who is also super cool, is going through a difficult time as well. She was super down and it was super sad. We tried our best to cheer her up; the last time we meet with her it was quite a bit better, but still hard. So on Wednesday we are Fasting with her, so hopefully that goes well.
Sorry for such a small email with not much epicness, anywho hope you all have a good week and stay awesome, and stuffs.
Sok Szeretettel
Waldvogel Elder